

Vaiva Vasiliauskaite

For further information, interested users can contact the institution mediator by mail from the Mediators page.

Clusters description and Technical Characteristics

We will provide computational facilities for transnational access visitors who will visit ETH. We have two types of resources: shared and dedicated. The shared computational facilities have a public manual, whereas the summary of our group’s local dedicated computing facilities is as follows:

  • 8 cores, 1 NVIDIA TITAN RTX, 64 GB RAM,  around 1 TB storage.


  • 24 cores, 384 GiB RAM, 4 Tesla V100 GPUs
  • CPU with 18 Cores, 384 GiB RAM, 8 RTX 2080TI
  • CPU 48 Cores, 2 TB RAM

Total shared storage space across all COSS users should be 10+ TB.

Technical Information to Access the Computing Resources

Connection to the HPC clusters via the SSH protocol

  • For shared computational facilities, email request to the cluster support is required
  • For dedicated facilities, institutional mediator should be emailed 

Availability of the Resources

  • Visitors Places: 1 (transnational access only)
  • Visitors will have access to the dedicated COSS computing cluster and shared computational facilities at ETH

  • Computing hours: shared with the host group, upon availability

  • Storage quota: shared with the host group, upon availability

Administrative Access Mechanisms and Requisites