HPC Network Portal
Welcome to our wiki! The objectives of this portal are:
- Give support to the user in finding the appropriate computational resources;
- Facilitate the matching between resource availability and the users’ needs;
- Facilitate the procedures to access the HPC facilities.
The wiki collects the technical information the users will need to select the proper computing facility for running their jobs and the administrative information with the contacts that will provide access conditions and facilitate the access process. While the selection of the institution to host the user’s jobs will be a simple self-service, the access procedure will be followed by a person (Institution mediator) who will follow and guide the user in the approach of the administrative process.
There is also the possibility of requesting a dedicated virtual machine in SoBigData Lab by completing the following document: link and send it to info@sobigdata.eu
Resources explorer
Institutions | Computing | Storage | Mediators |
The SBD++ consortuim offers access to HPC facilities is listed here. | Main characteristics of the Supercomputing facilities, listed together. | Storage capacity and characteristics of the hosting facilities | Contact persons and email to ask for information and access to the facilities. |
Users guide A guide for users who whant to discover, explore and compare the HPC resource offered by the SBD++ partners
Guidelines for Mediators Instructions about how mediators can keep the information displayed in the portal up to date (requires login access).